Saturday, August 29, 2015

Breakfast Rambles

Dear Sister,

Summer is officially over. It got down to 45 degrees last night! The trees are still (mostly) green, but there are a suspicious amount of leaves blowing around. Yesterday, I was walking down to the lake and crunched acorns underfoot the whole way. I am trying to be outside as much as possible, since soon I will be ensconced in the cold and dark.

With my crazy flipped schedule, I am relishing these days of relative relaxation and freedom. I had a group of 50 at work this past week, and I felt like I wasn't even working! I have time to read books and contemplate my life.

A big difference is that since I don't have groups everyday, I have to cook for myself again. Choose what I want to make for supper. Remember that I need to plan breakfast the night before and pack a lunch for work. I know these are normal concepts for most people, but when you work in the food industry, your meals are typically dictated by environment.

Anyway, one of my go to meals- if I remember the night before to make it- is cold oatmeal. After hating oatmeal my entire life, I have finally started to like it and now I get cravings for it. I like cold oatmeal because I can sneak in extra protein easier than hot oatmeal. I made this version because I knew that I needed some "dessert" type foods incorporated back into my life. I don't do well when I eliminate all sweets.

Chocolate PB Cold Oatmeal

1/2 c rolled oats
1 T flax meal
1 T cocoa powder
2 T peanut butter powder
1 packet stevia
2 T craisins
1/2 c plain greek yogurt
6 oz milk (whatever kind suits your fancy)
Mix everything together and refrigerate overnight. Stir and enjoy!

This was the first time I did the cocoa and PB. I really enjoyed it, but it's not an everyday variety. A little too indulgent for that early in the morning. I might actually prefer it as a dessert in the evenings. I ate around 7:30 am, and I wasn't starving at lunchtime. This is always my biggest breakfast challenge. What will last till noon? I added the craisins for some fruit, and they were delicious, but not the best nutritionally. I usually add an entire chopped apple and that's what I'll probably stick with.

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