Monday, February 9, 2015

A Thousand and One Welcomes!

Since Kit took the time to introduce herself and welcome you, I figure that means I should as well. So here it goes!

Home-body, voracious reader, hot beverage lover, movie buff (particularly Sci-fi), professional chef, wanna-be gardener, and fan of singing as loudly as possible (high ceilings are the best thing ever). I may also be extremely sarcastic.

I live in the back woods of Minnesota, which means the closest grocery/shopping is a 45 minute
drive. I also have a degree in culinary arts and cook professionally. However, after cooking at work all day, the last thing I want to do is spend a few hours on supper.

Therefore, most of my home cooking involves foods that have a longer shelf life, that can be prepared in 30 min, and that are somewhat healthy while satisfying my inner foodie desires. The tangent of this is that I LOVE cooking. So I do occasionally get in my kitchen and spend all day on a meal just for myself. But these impulses are fairly rare, so you can generally expect 1-2 person meals that take 30 minutes-1 hour.

All that being said, thank you for coming to spend some time with us. We are excited to share our food passions and sometimes randomness with you.

Food science rules!


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